After a series of tests it was decided to realize this project in cooperation with Sesotec and the team of Sicon who acted as an integrator for this project.
“Processing of SLF fraction is necessary to complete the ASR recycling unit” says Andreas Chasiotis, General Manager of Aeiforos SA. “With the help of the Varisort unit residual metal fractions are recovered and concentrated in a metal-rich fraction”. The metal-rich fraction is further processed at Aeiforos to produce high-quality metal fractions.
After a series of tests it was decided to realize this project in cooperation with Sesotec and the team of Sicon who acted as an integrator for this project.
Sesotec in cooperation with Sicon already installed several of its Varisort sorting units in ELV application all around the world. The sorters are used for all kinds of material upgrades including object based wire separation and stainless steel separation.