The complex of the plants will be well represented by two typical machines:
Turbo Washer – TW 800 model
This machine performs an intensive washing action and purifies the plastic material from inorganic and fine pollutants using centrifugal force. During the centrifugal process, dirty water, sand, paper fibers and soil flow through the basket holes, whereas flakes are retained. Available in different models, TW800 is the biggest one suitable to process up to 6000 kg/h of PET, 4000 kg/h of HDPE and 1500 kg/h of LDPE.
Ballistick Separator – MPC MODEL
The MPC is a ballistic separator properly designed and developed to sort paper and cardboard. The inlet flow is divided into two different material streams, not only through the wave motion of paddles, but also through the holes with variable section, placed on their surface. Fractions of output material are the following:
– Cardboard and material sized > A4
– De-inked paper sized < A4
The paper material < A4 passes through the holes of the ballistic separator paddles, while the flat cardboard > A4 is pushed forward.