Some forty years ago Ecocern began manufacturing genuine 100% post-consumer recycled paper and packaging products. All made in Australia from local paper scrap.
Acccording to Ecocern many of forest products falsely or misleadingly claim to be recycled. A typical misleading claim may use terminology such as: “Made With”(As opposed to “Made From”), “Recyclable”, “Recycle”, “Recycled Content”. Using just recycled paper can be of detriment to real recycling, as this paper often claims to be recycled when just the paper slurry is recycled or mill broke is reused. This is standard production methodology for virgin paper manufacture, so Ecocern. Most of the paper scrap collected is low grade, post-consumer scrap from households and industry. This paper is available in glut proportions. High quality recycled paper scrap is in very short supply. Ecocern gray copy paper is made from local low grade scrap and totally unbleached. Further, this paper is diverted from landfill where it produces large amounts of methane, a far worse gas environmentally than CO2.
According to Ecocern brown Kraft paper is usually not recycled. Using brown bags made from rainforest is worse environmentally than using plastic bags. This paper is often sourced from World Heritage Forest, which is illegally logged. These bags are mostly made in China in a, couldn’t care less manner, with absolutely no regard for our future or anything else except money.
Using Ecocern products, made from the above 100% post-consumer recycled paper scrap, demonstrates that an organization is ecologically concerned.