
Battery recycling with zero-carbon collection service

A new battery collection service, cited as the world’s first that is zero-carbon, has powered into Brighton, collecting more than two tonnes of batteries for recycling since March. The service is free for businesses, small and large.
Zedify bike couriers offer zero emission delivery and collection. (Source: Valpak)

Valpak’s Re-Volt scheme, which has already been established in London and Cambridge, supplies battery boxes to businesses, which are then collected by Zedify couriers free of charge whilst they’re delivering packages across the city. The scheme adds to Valpak’s existing battery service, which collects millions of batteries from over 30,000 UK businesses, including household names such as Sainsburys, Co-op and M&S.

James Nash, Commercial Manager at Valpak, the environmental company behind the scheme, said: “The expansion of the zero-carbon scheme to Brighton is proving beneficial already and we’re urging businesses of all sizes to take advantage of the service. This is a triple-win for businesses – ensuring that batteries are recycled correctly, helping businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and, importantly, making sure that enough batteries are recycled each year to allow retailers to meet their compliance obligations.”

Tom Scruby, National Operations Manager at Zedify, said: “The partnership between Valpak and Zedify has been an unparalleled success, proving that zero emission vehicles complete city centre collections of this type more efficiently than diesel vehicles. We have only received positive feedback from customers and local authorities alike.

“Brighton companies have particularly shown an appetite for more sustainable operating methods. These make the city a better place to live, and also benefits the wider community.”

The scheme initially launched in Cambridge and has generated more than three tonnes of batteries to date. Following such a positive reaction to the world-first scheme, London was next to welcome the zero-carbon collection service. The capital has already collected over 10 tonnes of batteries, with more customers coming online for future collections.

While collection vehicles typically tot up 298 g of CO2 for every mile, Zedify’s bikes emit zero C02, no matter how many journeys they take. They also help to avoid congestion and delays caused by waiting in traffic queues. The scheme has been welcomed by the environmentally-conscious city to help reach its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

Nash said: “The aim is to include battery removal as an additional service for existing delivery customers. As well as slashing emissions, the scheme helps to attract new sources of waste batteries, which drives greater volumes for recycling.”

In the UK, around 40,000 tonnes of portable batteries were sold in 2018, with only around 18,000 tonnes being recycled.

Source: Valpak

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