Even when potential savings are obvious, many companies have difficulties in tackling the issue. Because the tearing and pressing of the waste take place far away from the customer traffic, it is rather seen as annoying. Priority is given to the core business. While many other processes have therefore already been optimized for efficiency, disposal often remains an invisible time eater, causing unnoticed high personnel costs.
At the same time, more modern and more efficient disposal solutions have long been available. “When developing our semi-automatic baler ”AutoLoadBaler” we have oriented ourselves very specifically to the needs of retailers”, says Günter Komesker, managing director of Strautmann Umwelttechnik. And that is above all the relief of personnel and personnel capacities. Because the AutoLoadBaler no longer needs to be filled manually. It ensures order and cleanliness and saves the employees stress and back pain. Automation can save 10 working hours per tonne of cardboard packaging per year and 400 moments of stress per day.
Fast emptying of full beverage containers

Photo: Strautmann Umwelttechnik
The dewaterer empties and devalues full beverage containers like PET bottles, TetraPak and beverage cans. Time-consuming emptying by hand is over. The liquids are separated by the LiquiDrainer and targeted and safely discharged. Even whole containers can be emptied. The cost intensive manual opening of PET bottles is no longer necessary. The dewatering press empties up to 10,000 1L PET bottles in just one hour. A rotating rotor pierces the material so that the fluids can escape. Up to 99% residual draining is ensured. The small footprint and machinery weight of 665kg enable mobile use.
StyroPress – Volume reduction of up to 97%

Photo: Strautmann Umwelttechnik
The StyroPress is a briquetting press for the volume reduction EPS (airpop/Styropor). For the usage of this machine no personnel effort is required. The briquetter can run 24/7 by manual or automatic feeding. A very high briquette density ensures fully loaded trucks and sea containers. Truck load increases from approx. 800 kg loose EPS to 24t highly compacted briquettes. Transportation costs are reduced enormously and the briquettes can be sold profitable.
Disposal of residual waste
With a residual waste press you are able to compact your recyclables directly in 660, 770 and 1,100l Containers. That way you save disposal costs and in total it will become more orderly.

Photo: Strautmann Umwelttechnik
The roll container is easily placed in the steel construction of the press and is fixed by lateral arms. Thereby high stability and security during the press process is achieved. Now, the roll container can be filled and in the next step the material is compacted by the roll-container-press. During the press process the wheels do not touch the ground and are not stressed due to lifting the container a bit. After the press process the roll container can be filled and material can be compacted as often as you wish.