How businesses globally are adapting to ways of doing business.
Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
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International EUR 5.00
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How businesses globally are adapting to ways of doing business.
Jan Verheyen (OVAM) talks about the success of waste management in Flanders.
An overview of the current state of digitalisation in waste management.
Label liners can make packaging more sustainable.
So far, waste prevention measures in Europa have not been sufficient.
Baltic states want to improve compliance with EU
Swiss scientists have analysed plastic packaging emission flows.
While Europe is still lacking sufficient capacities in battery recycling, Asia is one step ahead.
State of the art of polyethylene film recycling and challenges to overcome.
Plastics producers have to consider the end-of-life of their products.
How EMAYA takes care of waste in Palma de Mallorca.
Dr Helen Versluys (Möbius) talks about how businesses can get circular.
The technology is expected to curb the growing waste problems.
Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany EUR 5.00
International EUR 5.00
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