Zero Waste Europe considers the EU waste hierarchy no longer sufficient for the circular economy and has developed its own.
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Zero Waste Europe considers the EU waste hierarchy no longer sufficient for the circular economy and has developed its own.
A new report analyses the role of municipalities in the circular economy and their options to speed up the transition.
Circle Economy has undertaken an analysis of the potential of circular jobs in Belgium.
A current report shows what the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan has already achieved in terms of the circular economy.
A recent report has analysed the state of Nordic countries‘ waste management systems with regard to new EU targets.
Former EU commissioner Janos Potocnik talks about the current state of the circular economy and the next steps necessary.
A new EU directive implements restrictions on single-use plastics (SUP), but a report shows that not all SUPs can be easily substituted.
The EU Commission targets two goals in the handling of substances and materials known as „non-toxic environment“ and „circular economy“.
The consortium has added eight AMS CL1-N side loaders to its waste collection fleet to service the City of Madrid.
The EU has made a case for consumer rights regarding electronic equipment.
Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany EUR 5.00
International EUR 5.00
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