According to EuRIC, the ship recycling industry in Europe is facing major problems.

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According to EuRIC, the ship recycling industry in Europe is facing major problems.
The collection and recycling of post-industrial textile waste offers a great many opportunities.
According to Swiss scientists, excess renewable energy can be used to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it to methane or methanol.
Scientists have examined the role that the circular economy concept can play for the British defence sector.
The shift to reusable cups has already made a tangible difference, cutting event-related carbon footprints and reducing overall waste.
What impact will the European textile policy have on other countries?
Using circular economy methods, waste and the associated environmental impacts of construction, renovation and demolition waste (CRD) can be significantly reduced.
An OECD Environment working paper aims to assess the potential of EPR to achieve the goal of a circular economy in the apparel sector.
Vehicles have long been considered best practice in terms of repairability. Yet, with changing technology and markets, this repairability is on the decline.
Speeding up the replacement of industrial motors could help save substantial amounts of energy in the European Union.
Europe aims to become the first climate-neutral continent with a sustainable, fairer and more prosperous society that accepts planetary boundaries.
Global efforts to phase out fossil fuels and reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement are falling short.
Price printed issue: EUR 16.90
Price excl. VAT and postage
Germany EUR 5.00
International EUR 5.00
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