Scientists have developed an approach to determine which recycling technology should be applied to which material.
Scientists have developed an approach to determine which recycling technology should be applied to which material.
Plastics Europe provides an overview of the current recycling market for HDPE and PP – and points out why recycling is still falling short.
The triboelectric effect makes it possible to separate polymers by differentiating the electrical charges acquired through collision.
PlastiCircle has improved the quality of recycled plastic and reduced air pollution across three pilot sites.
Technical solutions can help plant operators to get higher quality out of their material.
A report from RReuse provides some figures on job creation in the re-use sector and highlights some current problems.
A report from Footprints Africa explains how the continent can exploit the potential of the circular economy and what is already being done today.
Sibylle Bornefeld and Falco Herrmann from Sauerbruch Hutton talk about the circular economy in the construction sector in Berlin.
Deal even greener A new report shows where the Green Deal is falling short and what can be done to make it even more sustainable.
Although the industry was hit hard by the pandemic, it did not stop it from making a large number of investments in the previous year.
XProEM has developed a process to recover critical elements and by-products without the use of water and with zero waste left over.
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