Steinert with new CEO

| CEO Marcus Heinrich will leave the company with effect from 30th April 2016. According to the company, "the future visions for the company of the Managing Director Marcus Heinrich, and those of the shareholders, went in different directions."

Prospects for China’s Recycling Industry

| China Briefing has published an overview of China's recycling market. According to the article, Beijing must reform and regulate the country’s recycling industry, which operates chiefly informally with limited government oversight.

Copper is expected to grow slowly

| The International Copper Study Group (ICSG) met in Portugal in March to discuss key issues affecting the global copper market.
public procurement rules

FEAD names criteria for circular economy

| FEAD welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s new Circular Economy Package and makes some suggestions of how the waste and resources management industry can play its full part in achieving a more sustainable and prosperous European economy.

Bacteria eat PET

| Japanese scientists have discovered a bacteria that can degrade PET. So far only fungi where know to decompose plastics.

Special garbage bag for cup recycling

| The first garbage bag specially designed for water or coffee vending machines which promotes recycling of disposable cups has been patented by a Spanish businessman, Gonzalo Bayona. 

Fridge recycling: Joint processing yields environmental benefits

| When end-of-life refrigeration appliances are treated, some of the waste appliances being sent for recycling contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), while others are CFC-free. In terms of minimizing environmental impact, joint collection and joint treatment of these appliances continues to be the environmentally preferred path.

Tougher environmental laws do not hurt export competitiveness

| Countries that implement stringent environmental policies do not lose export competitiveness when compared against countries with more moderate regulations, according to a new OECD study that examines trade in manufactured goods between advanced and emerging economies.

Petcore Europe Conference 2016 a huge success

| 160 experts and leaders from the entire PET value chain in Europe and beyond met at the 2016 Petcore Europe sold-out conference in Brussels on 23 February.

Euric is launching new Group focusing on glass recycling.

| Anarevi, the Spanish Glass Recycling Association, bvse Glas and Federec Verre are the founding Members of this Group, gathering National Associations whose activities cover glass recycling.

Italian steel scrap prices lower in February

| The Alocci RI Group has published a report on the Italian steel market for February that show some good signs, but also some flaws.

In for a rough ride

| 2015 was not a good year for the non-ferrous metals industry. This fact was the topic of discussion on several occasions, especially at the BIR conference in Prague last autumn. The question constantly asked was: How low can it get? Many suspect that 2016 could bring a new definition of low.

Andritz Group with all-time high sales

| The company announced a sales increase by 8.8%, reaching an all-time high of 6,377.2 million Euro. All four business areas noted an increase in sales.

EUROPEN comments on circular economy package

| The European Organization for Packaging and the Environment(EUROPEN) has made some recommendations on the EU legislative proposals for the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive and Waste Framework Directive.

Succesful year for Suez

| Suez has announced a revenue of 15.135 billion Euro for 2015, which is an increase of 811 million Euro compared to 2014. The EBITDA was 2,751 million Euro