IARC: How to stop illegal export of ELVs

| The 16th International Automobile Recycling Congress IARC 2016 organized by ICM AG will be held from March 16 – 18, 2016 in the Hotel Palace in Berlin, Germany.

VinylPlus makes ongoing progress with PVC sustainability

| Over the past 15 years, PVC has undergone a remarkable transformation from being a much-maligned plastic material to playing an important role in addressing climate change and establishing a circular economy.

Beverage carton maintains growth in recycling rates

| 43 % of beverage cartons were recycled in Europe in 2014, but further efforts are needed on banning packaging waste from landfilling.

Euric reminds of the benefits of recycled steel scrap in steelmaking

| The European Recycling Industries Confederation (EuRIC) voiced European steel recyclers’ views during a side-event of the United Nations conference on climate change COP21.

PET recycler counts on sorter from Sesotec

| With the new sorting system BTB PET-Recycling wants to reduce the waste volume to be competitive.

More money for the circular economy

| The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) announced changes to EU financial tools today to help circular economy projects and businesses secure funding and support the realisation of EU climate goals, as UN climate negotiations draw to a close in Paris. The changes build on the EU’s Circular Economy Strategy launched last week and result from EIB recommendations published today at the Financing the Circular Economy conference hosted under Luxembourg’s Presidency of the EU.

New Circular Economy Package: European recyclers see scope for greater ambition

| The European Recycling Industries Confederation (EuRIC) welcomes the publication of the circular economy package by the European Commission as a first step to support sustainable growth in Europe. Nevertheless, there is clear room for improvement on a number of topics, including recycling targets and their calculation method, stricter measures to phase out landfill and incineration of recyclables, the clarity of new provisions as legal certainty is crucial for recycling businesses.

Recoup joins OPRL ownership

| Recoup, the plastic packaging recycling body, is to join the expanding ownership of OPRL, which runs the increasingly popular packaging recycling label scheme. This latest development further extends ownership across bodies sharing OPRL’s mission to promote greater and more effective recycling of packaging materials. It aims to create a strong leadership position for industry on recycling issues.

Recycling must be recognised as key solution for climate change

| The Bureau of International Recycling emphasizes the importance of recycling for the reduction of CO2 emissions on the sidelines of COP21 in Paris.

PV Cycle certified with ISO 9001 and 14001

| The Association’s Italian, French, Spanish and German subsidiaries have been audited against the ISO standards as well as the Headquarters’ branches in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Sorting machines for plastic foils and black plastics

| The Steinert Group’s new sorting machines Unisort Film and UNISORT BlackScan can detect Plastic films and black plastics with AOC and HSI technology.

New circular economy package has arrived

| As announced earlier this year, the European Commission has published their new circular economy package today.

Recycling of aluminium packaging at record level

| Together with strong market growth the quantity of recycled aluminium packaging reached an all-time high in 2014.

ECPI regrets the European Parliament decision on DEHP

| The European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates – ECPI - is disappointed by the European Parliament’s plenary vote against the Commission proposal to authorise the recycling of soft PVC containing DEHP. The final decision will be taken by the European Commission which is not obligated to follow the European Parliament’s opinion.

CEWEP criticizes report on impact of landfill

| Playing down the benefits of minimising landfilling, as recently done by some stakeholders, is a dangerous message ahead of COP21, particularly from a global perspective, CEWEP says.