Swollen imports fuel fight for tonnage in EU steel market

| Revised data on the EU steel market suggest that demand could grow by 1.5% in 2015, on a par with the expected rise in activity of the EU steel consuming sectors. However, third country suppliers rather than domestic producers will be the main beneficiaries from demand growth in the EU market. Weakening domestic order intakes signal that steel buyers are remaining very cautious.
Tim Reckmann, pixelio.de

German WEEE comes into force for PV

| German WEEE law ElektroG came into force on October 24, bringing PV modules under the scope of mandatory Producer responsibility.

Metals “perfectly suited” for the Circular Economy” says European industry

| The combined European metals industry today demonstrated their support for the upcoming Circular Economy Package through a common position paper. In Boosting the Circular Management of Metals, the metals sector highlights how it looks forward to an ambitious Circular Economy Package supporting growth, innovation, competitiveness and jobs.

Petcore Europe Conference 2015 in Brussels

| On 24 November 2015, the annual Petcore Europe Conference will take place in Brussels. The conference brings together more than 100 experts and leaders from the whole PET value chain in Europe and beyond as well as representatives from the European institutions. This year, the conference will focus on the four key aspects Sustainability, Circular Economy, Innovation and Globalisation.

Umicore and IndustriALL renew sustainable development agreement

| Today, Umicore and IndustriALL Global Union renewed their Global framework Agreement on Sustainable Development for a period of four years. The agreement covers human rights (including collective bargaining and equal opportunities), safe and healthy working conditions and environmental considerations.

Terex names new Chief Executive Officer

| Terex Corporation has named John L. Garrison, Jr. Chief Executive Officer and President effective November 2, 2015. He will also become a member of the Terex Board of Directors effective November 2, 2015.

CEWEP warns for missing actions on landfill ban

| According to the Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP), the Commission seriously questions undertaking any effective landfill diversion action in the upcoming new Circular Economy Package.

Worldsteel predicts slow growth

| The World Steel Association (Worldsteel) has released its Short Range Outlook (SRO) for 2015 and 2016. Worldsteel forecasts that global steel demand will decrease by -1.7% to 1,513 Mt in 2015 following growth of 0.7% in 2014. In 2016, it is forecast that world steel demand will show growth of 0.7% and will reach 1,523 Mt.

New intelligent components for proven recycling technology

| Starlinger Recycling Technology has relaunched its Recostar universal line with revamped technology and design. According to the company, the new version features greater process variety, simplicity and ease of operation, as well as reduced energy consumption.

Prototype for microwave-supported drying technology

| Within the Hiperdry project, a new prototype dryer for plastics pellets has been developed, combining microwave heating with superheated steam convective drying. An optimum antenna design will allow for gentle microwave application allows gentle microwave application to avoid overheating or damaging the polymer. The system is designed for time and energy efficient drying of conventional and bio-plastics.

Terex Finlay introduces new crushing and screening models

| Terex Finlay recently hosted a UK customer open day in Doncaster, United Kingdom. The event attracted over 200 end user customers from the UK, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Lithuania, Germany, Poland and Russia.

UK households collect close to 500.000 tonnes of plastics packaging

| According to RECOUP, over 492,623 tonnes of plastics packaging was collected from UK households in 2014/15, an increase of around 30,000 tonnes or 6% on the previous year.

Battery recyclers adjusting to new material mix

| The battery recycling sector needs to adjust to the increasing volumes of lithium-ion batteries on the market. The number of lithium-ion batteries currently in use is constantly growing, particularly in the fields of electronics and electric mobility. This fact became evident last week in Montreux, Switzerland, where the international battery recycling industry came together at the International Congress for Battery Recycling ICBR 2015.

Umicore set to invest in cobalt refining and recycling plant in Belgium

| Umicore today announced plans for significant investments at its site in Olen, Belgium. The investments, which are likely to total some €25 million, would centre on the upgrade of the cobalt refining and recycling plant. They would also involve the modernization of a number of on-site facilities in order to further improve the EHS performance of the site.

Solid waste disposal more than doubles EPA estimates

| A new Yale-led study indicates that the US is disposing of more than twice as much solid waste as expected.