From 2 to 23 June 2020, BIR organised a series of 11 online commodity sessions. 1470 members participated online. Now highlights and full video archives are available for all BIR members.
From 2 to 23 June 2020, BIR organised a series of 11 online commodity sessions. 1470 members participated online. Now highlights and full video archives are available for all BIR members.
According to EPRC, the European paper recycling rate has increased from 71,7% in 2018 to 72% in 2019 due to a stable utilisation of Paper for Recycling (PfR) in the European paper industry.
The waste paper recycling market is expected to experience an uptrend in the growth statistics across the forecast period of 2019-2027 mainly due to the rising awareness among the global populace about environmental conservation.
The paper recycling industry is little more than 20 weeks away from a turning point.
The ever-increasing use of plastic and cardboard, as well as the growing mountains of packaging waste, have also increased the demands on recycling.
On 27 May 2020, Fady Gemayel, co-owner & Honorary Chairman at “Gemayel Freres S.A.L.”, a family owned corrugated cardboard company, was elected FEFCO President for a two-year term.
Getting paper recycling to even higher levels and improving the recyclability of paper based products – this is the main mission of the European Paper Recycling Council, an industry platform gathering associations along the paper value chain. This value chain is now further completed as EuRIC is signing the declaration on paper recycling.
The family company P.U.H. Kondzłomex Szymon Woźny has been collecting and recycling secondary raw materials such as waste paper and foil for over 20 years.
The industry associations supporting the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) are saddened to see that so many people have lost their lives due to the pandemic.
According to preliminary figures, the European paper and board production has decreased by 3.0% in 2019), compared to the previous year.
The global non-profit CDP, has recognised UPM as one of the only six Triple A List companies globally for its significant actions to mitigate climate risk, prevent deforestation and enhance water stewardship.
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