Short-term pain should give way to longer-term gain for the paper recycling industry, senior figures agreed at the latest meeting of the BIR Paper Division on May 20.
Short-term pain should give way to longer-term gain for the paper recycling industry, senior figures agreed at the latest meeting of the BIR Paper Division on May 20.
Stora Enso aims to start recycling used paper cups on a large scale at its Langerbrugge Mill in Belgium. Based on production trials, the company says it possesses the technical feasibility to recycle paper cups for use in other paper applications.
A collection of Swedish experts aims to create new bio-based products from excess waste sludge produced from wastewater effluent management at pulp and paper mills.
CEPI member countries’ paper and board production was stable in 2018, compared to the previous year, according to preliminary figures.
This week CuRe has been launched by Cumapol, DSM-Niaga and Morssinkhof. The goal is to recycle used polyester waste streams in polyester suitable for high demanding applications like carpets, textile and food packaging.
Out of 3.308.300 tonnes of PET bottles placed in the European market in 2017, 58.2% – in total 1.923.100 tonnes (+2.9 % compared to 2016) – were collected. This conclusion comes from the Annual Survey on the European PET Recycle Industry, conducted by ICIS and commissioned by Petcore Europe.
In view of its commitment to achieving a 74% paper recycling rate across Europe by 2020, the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) today confirmed its latest recycling figure of 72.3% in its 2017 monitoring report.
A waste and resource management specialist from within the UK government’s Department for International Trade has expressed confidence that a Brexit agreement will be reached between the UK and the rest of the EU.
CEPI today unveils a dynamic ‘live’ sustainability platform which demonstrates, amongst other things, industry’s sustainability achievements.
Tomra Sorting Recycling has published an e-book providing advice for businesses who sort paper and cardboard for deinking and recycling.
A new analysis by Future Markets Insights gives an outlook on the paper recycling market for the next 10 years.
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