
Euric: Landmark vote by the European Parliament

| The European Parliament in plenary meeting approved in a landmark vote on 24 October 2018 a target of 35% of mandatory recycled plastic by 2025 in beverage bottles.

PET value chain urges policymakers to support its circularity

| The EU Single Use Plastics Directive Proposal is currently under the assessment of the European Parliament. The proposal foresees the consumption reduction of PET trays - a circular packaging product with a high amount of recycled content.

EuPC: Parliament vote a negative result for European market and local jobs

| Yesterday, October 24th, the European Parliament has adopted its negotiating position on the Commission proposal on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

CCC criticizes European Parliament’s vote on plastics strategy

| According to the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), Parliamentarians have now created a more restrictive strategy than the one originally suggested by the European Commission, and are about to start negotiations with the European Council.
public procurement rules

Parliament gives green light to recycled content in plastic bottles

| The European Parliament has approved the report which would make it mandatory to produce beverage containers composed of at least 35% recycled plastic by 2025.

EUBP: Reduction of plastics needs to tie in with consumption realities

| The European Parliament approved today its report on the draft Directive on Marine Pollution and Single-use Plastics. “European Bioplastics fully supports the transition from a linear to a circular economy. Bioplastics enable more sustainable solutions for a range of products“, says François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics (EUBP).

MEPs back EU ban on throwaway plastics by 2021 

| Single-use plastic items such as plates, cutlery, straws, balloon sticks or cotton buds, will be banned in the EU under plans adopted on Wednesday.

Single use plastics: a political or environmental decision?

| The recent, swift developments of the EU Single-use plastics directive proposal are developing at a very worrying speed. The European Parliament and the Council are called to make up their minds in very short time frames, deviating from usual best practices and agreed calendars.

Increased collection: cornerstone for higher recycling rates

| Today far too much plastic waste still escapes the European collection systems. Failing to collect plastic waste leads to a loss of valuable resources and at the same time poses a risk to the natural environment.

Chinaplas to highlight Circular Economy

| Technological innovation, on one hand, favours the acceleration of modern development as well as changes in various markets, while on the other, is driven by the latter two.

Packaging Waste is the Worst: 4 Ways to Reduce Waste

| The need for packaging is rising so is the danger to our environment. The packaging materials harm the environment by leaving their carbon footprints behind. Therefore, it is imperative that companies start sourcing and using sustainable packaging materials to ensure that the waste is at its minimal. If you want to incorporate ways to reduce waste, the good news is that there are quite a few strategies you can implement.

Almost 90% of UK consumers would use deposit scheme

| Grocers should consider introducing more widespread deposit and return schemes instead of waiting for government action, since 88.9% of UK consumers stated that they would be likely to use a scheme as environmental concerns move higher up their agendas, says GlobalData, a data and analytics company.

Six month update on OPRL’s ten commitments

| When the UK Plastics Pact launched in April, OPRL, the recycling label not-for-profit, set itself some commitments in supporting its members to deliver against their pledges. Today it reported significant progress against key commitments

MEPs back EU ban on polluting throwaway plastics

| Single-use plastic items such as plates, cutlery or cotton buds, making up over 70% of marine litter, will be banned under plans backed in the Environment Committee.
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