
Gabi Schoenemann,

Reducing carbon emissions from waste disposal

| NTU researchers construct a model to find out how to make waste incineration more environmentally friendly.

Improving recycling quality will support circular economy

| Europe has set ambitious goals to create a competitive circular economy that can be key in supporting innovation, decarbonisation and security. 
EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: -2.6% in Q2 2024

EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: -2.6% in Q2 2024

| In the second quarter of 2024, the EU economy greenhouse gas emissions were estimated at 790 million tonnes of CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq), a 2.6% decrease compared with the same quarter of 2023 (812 million tonnes of CO2-eq).
New ReBioCycle project on recycling and upcycling solutions for bioplastics

New ReBioCycle project on recycling and upcycling solutions for bioplastics

| The new EU funded ReBioCycle project provides a portfolio of bioplastic sorting and recycling technologies within three complementary waste-processor-centric hubs.

EU greenhouse gas emissions see significant drop in 2023

| Total net greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union dropped by 8% last year, marking significant progress towards climate neutrality for the EU.
Polyolefin-coated fabrics as an alternative to PVC

Polyolefin-coated fabrics as an alternative to PVC

| The TARPAULIFE Project is looking for more sustainable recyclable materials to replace the PVC-coated polyester tarpaulins commonly used in lorries and coverings.
Technologies for dismantling end-of-life wind turbine blades

Technologies for dismantling end-of-life wind turbine blades

| On a global scale, an estimated 2.5 million tonnes of composite materials are currently in use in wind turbines.

Sustainability of Europe’s mobility systems

| According to a report by the European Environment Agency (EEA), published today, the transport sector’s transition towards sustainability is made difficult by the increasing...

From data to decisions: material footprints in European policy making

| What is the material footprint of key European consumption sectors?

LCA report on composites waste through co-processing

| Nine industry associations have commissioned SGS INTRON to prepare a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report exploring the environmental impacts of treating End-of-Life composites by co-processing in a cement facility.
Obtaining sustainable chemical products and fuels from waste wood

Obtaining sustainable chemical products and fuels from waste wood

| The SusValEn Project transforms lignocellulosic waste into biofuels to produce renewable hydrogen, biomethane and biomethanol, thereby reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
ITC and AIMPLAS recycle fired ceramic tile waste

ITC and AIMPLAS recycle fired ceramic tile waste

| The RECERCO Project has confirmed that it is possible to recover this waste, which currently goes to landfill, to manufacture new tiles, as well as composites for shutter profiles and urban furniture.
How the plastic mountain from healthcare could be recycled

How the plastic mountain from healthcare could be recycled

| Single-use healthcare items – everything from gloves and blood bags to surgical equipment – have become a growing environmental problem worldwide.

Living in a plastic world: tackling the plastic pollution problem

| Plastic pollution has emerged as one of our most pressing environmental issues with the increasing use of disposable plastics.

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