Environmental services provider PreZero is driven by the ultimate goal of reducing the consumption of natural resources in a world where they are no longer wasted through closed loops.
Environmental services provider PreZero is driven by the ultimate goal of reducing the consumption of natural resources in a world where they are no longer wasted through closed loops.
Proceeding on the target of commercializing chemical recycling of waste plastic, Neste is conducting a feasibility study to examine investing in capacity for processing liquefied waste plastic at its refinery in Porvoo, Finland.
The results of the NEOREC Project, funded by IVACE and ERDF, will provide a viable alternative to landfilling of complex waste.
With this series, RecyClass aims to bring the audience back to the basics of what RecyClass is and its different activities.
Transforming hard-to-recycle plastics into school benches is precisely the sort of topic destined to pique a school child’s curiosity.
Landbell has presented the nominated start-ups for the 2022 Green Alley Award.
The Spanish recycling company Anviplas has been involved in plastics recycling for more than 30 years, during which time it has built up extensive know-how that now benefits customers throughout Europe, in Africa and in Asia.
With the arrival of the new DX380DM-7 model, Doosan has completed the company’s range of new High Reach Demolition Excavators.
The steel recycling industry is one of the oldest and most important members of the recycling community.
A great number of hygienic shields, commonly known as sneeze guards, is being used in industrial and trade facilities, as well as in the catering trade and restaurant business.
Historically the Waste-to-Energy sector has been associated with dioxins emissions.
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