Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) has released a policy briefing which highlights the importance of defining a new strategy for managing residual waste that corresponds with the requirements of the age of climate emergency that we are living in.
Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) has released a policy briefing which highlights the importance of defining a new strategy for managing residual waste that corresponds with the requirements of the age of climate emergency that we are living in.
With the support of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), AIMPLAS is developing the ENZPLAST2 project, whose aim is to develop new, more sustainable processes for producing, recycling and composting plastics.
By developing solutions covering the full plastic value chain – from design to recycling – CIRC-PACK, funded by the European Commission, has proven the feasibility of making plastics industry circular in a consumer-friendly way.
More and more electrical and electronic products in everyday life contain batteries, making life more convenient or pleasant. However, those same batteries, when damaged, also increasingly cause these products to catch fires.
A recyclable rubber material made from waste has been developed by a team of researchers spearheaded in South Australia.
In 2019, several players from the value chain of plastics packaging joined forces in the Recyclass Platform initiative, to create harmonised Design for Recycling Guidelines, a scoring method, and test protocols to assess the recyclability of plastics packaging and of new packaging technologies in the European market.
To safeguard the functions of oceans, the Federal Environment Ministry is, for the first time, launching a call for funding under its grant programme against marine litter.
A new shredder to transform waste into alternative fuels had been ordered and delivered, the facility’s retrofitting was in full swing – and then came the coronavirus lockdown.
Organizations now have the means to disclose a complete picture of the waste impacts in their activities, products and services – following the launch of a new reporting standard by GRI, provider of the leading global sustainability standards.
Tomra Sorting Recycling to hold its first live digital launch event under the motto “Symphony of all Sorts” on 9 June to present new complementary products.
Siegwerk, provider of printing inks for packaging applications and labels, and APK AG, a specialist in the production of high-quality plastic recyclate from packaging waste, completed de-inking trials of twofold printed LDPE-films.
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