New vice-chairman for VinylPlus

The General Assembly of VinylPlus has unanimously elected Carsten Heuer, Chief Executive Officer of REHAU Windows Solutions, as the new vice-chairman for the next two years as from May 22, 2024.
New vice-chairman for VinylPlus
Carsten Heuer is the new vice-chairman of VinylPlus.

Carsten Heuer joined REHAU Industries SE & Co. KG. in 2017, where he is also a member of the Executive Board. Before joining REHAU Industries, he was Managing Director at Schollglas Holding and Executive Senior Vice-President at Schüco International KG. Carsten Heuer joined the VinylPlus Steering Board in 2023.

Carsten Heuer succeeds Myriam Tryjefaczka, Tarkett, in the role. The VinylPlus General Assembly thanks Myriam for her four years of vice-chairwomanship and her dedication to VinylPlus’ mission.

Following his election, Carsten Heuer said: “There is the clear necessity for strengthening a competitive and resilient EU industry while aligning and supporting the European Green Deal. This means that a strong European industrial policy also is the backbone of social, economic, and environmental sustainability in the European PVC sector providing increasingly sustainable solutions across vital sectors.


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