Stop big polluters and member states from reporting false data

Today, a large group of European NGO representatives, members of the Break Free From Plastic movement and Zero Waste Europe network, displayed a large Pinocchio figure in front of the European Commission building in Brussels.

The action illustrates how big consumer brands and supermarkets, with Member states’ leniency, are holding back the deployment of EU green legislation to reduce single-use plastic packaging by reporting false data on the true performance of reuse, separate collection and recycling systems in many European countries.

The success of EU waste directives and regulations relies on its proper implementation by Member states. A cornerstone of legislation is waste reduction and recycling rate targets. However, a recent report by Eunomia, ZWE and Spanish Zero Waste Alliance, reveals that the packaging industry, represented by the PRO Ecoembes, has been falsely reporting the real performance of recycling systems for decades in order to block the implementation of waste legislation, such as a ban on certain packaging, the obligation to use reusable packaging or the implementation of deposit and return systems.


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