RECYCLING magazine 04 / 2022

    Source: Sennebogen
    You can‘t do it without waste incineration, but that causes problems. Chemical recycling also causes problems – at least compared to mechanical recycling. And the food sector also causes a lot of problems.

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    Source: alexa;
    A new hierarchy
    A British institution suggests changing the waste hierarchy.
    Source: pix24;
    A transition for single-use glass
    Current barriers on the way to a circular economy.
    Source: Karl Allen Lugmayer;
    Beyond short-term vision
    In the EU, close to 12 million tonnes are still going to waste-to-energy.
    Source:; jeff-danila
    Binding targets are needed
    Zero Waste Europe has developed proposals to advance the circular economy.
    Source: Peggy und Marco Lachmann Anke;
    Climate change governance in South Asia
    Can other Asian countries learn from China?
    Source: LillyCantabile,
    EU needs to cut plastic production
    Reducing the dependency on fossil fuels and Russian oil and gas.
    Source: Rudy and Peter-Skitterians;
    Headed for incineration overcapacity
    An explanation why England is in danger of a large overcapacity by 2042.
    Source: catazul;
    Higher emissions
    GHG emissions are nine times higher from chemical than from mechanical recycling.
    Source: Pete-Linforth;
    Poland‘s path to circularity
    A circularity rate of 10.2% still leaves a lot of room for improvement.
    Source:; stijn dijkstra
    Reducing waste to cut emissions
    A new report shows where the potential lies and how it can be raised.
    Source: Daniel Albany;
    Serious challenges
    Food production needs a profound rethink.
    Source key: hans;
    Sorting is the key
    For the fashion industry to become circular, a lot depends on the correct sorting of the material.
    Source: Pexels;
    The dust under the carpet
    The incineration of waste produces both hazardous and non-hazardous residues.
    Source: Kim Wutimet; Shutterstock
    Transforming the plastic waste crisis into opportunies
    Recycling alone is not a solution.
    Source: Kreingkrai Luangchaipreeda;
    Use the existing potential
    An approach to making sustainable textile production a success in India.

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    RECYCLING magazine 04 / 2022

    Price: EUR 16,90
    Price excl. VAT and postage
    Germany 5,00 EUR
    International 5,00 EUR

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