Geminor strengthens Swedish energy supply with reopened facility

Geminor strengthens Swedish energy supply with reopened facility
Approximately 50 offtakes and Geminor partners from Denmark, the UK, Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands attended the opening event. Copyright: Geminor

Waste management company Geminor has reopened its processing facility in Landskrona, Sweden.

The facility, which supplies fuel to Landskrona Energi, is integral to maintaining the area’s fully fossil-free district heating system.

The reopening follows extensive upgrades after a fire in 2019. The facility now boasts improved capacity and safety measures, making it more efficient at processing refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and solid recovered fuel (SRF), vital for energy recovery plants across the Nordics.

The partnership between Geminor and Landskrona Energi delivers significant value to the local community. With 100% fossil-free district heating, residents benefit from affordable energy while contributing to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Since 2012, Geminor has consistently supplied Landskrona Energi with around 30,000 tonnes of high-quality RDF annually, making it a trusted partner in the region’s transition to fossil-free energy.

In 2023, Landskrona Energi produced 245 GWh of district heating and 37 GWh of electricity, supplying homes and businesses across the region. The plant is part of Landskrona Energi’s district heating network, which connects multiple cities and facilities. Collaboration with regional energy providers like SYSAV and Øresundskraft ensures efficient energy distribution and sustainable use of resources.

Strategically located with access to road, rail, and sea, the upgraded Landskrona facility continues to store and treat secondary fuels such as Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) and Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), essential for large EfW plants. The increased capacity helps divert more waste from landfills in countries like the UK, Poland and Italy, reducing carbon emissions. Geminor AS Registered in Norway Website Helganesvegen 41 970902341 4262 Avaldsnes

As energy demands rise, Geminor and Landskrona Energi are exploring new technologies to improve fuel quality further and reduce their environmental footprint.


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