Reading mode:
Tap on an article of your choice and the text will be displayed in reading mode. This automatically adapts the text to the size of the screen. You can make text bigger or smaller, or have it read aloud.
Add a bookmark! This will help you find your page again, regardless of which device you want to continue reading on.
Page references:
Click on a page of your choice in the contents table to go directly to your chosen article.
Keyword search:
Search by topic across all issues in the full text search.
Multimedia bonus content:
The magazine is interactively designed. The red icons show you where you can find additional page links, videos or images.
Push notifications:
So that you don’t miss anything, we will send a notification to your smartphone or tablet when a new issue is available. To receive notifications, activate app notifications in your device settings.
Be the first to know:
The digital issue is already available on the Friday before the print issue is published.
You can also read the magazine conveniently on your PC desktop.
In order to use your subscription on multiple devices (smartphone/tablet/PC), you need to complete a one-off registration with a personally generated password. This ensures that your issues and bookmarks are saved across all devices.
As a print subscriber, you can access all current magazines and special publications digitally on up to three devices (e.g. smartphone, tablet, PC) using your personal unlock code. You also have access to our magazine archive, which we are gradually expanding. Every new issue of the magazine is also released on the app.
Trial readers of the print subscription have limited access to the app and can only read the two issues that they also receive in print format. If the trial subscription is upgraded to an annual subscription, the full contents of the app will be unlocked.
Non-subscribers can order issues individually or subscribe at any time.
You can download individual issues to your device. This way, you can read them later with a WiFi or Internet connection. External links only work with an Internet connection.