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Ecomondo 2020

Rimini Expo Centre Via Emilia, 155, RIMINI, Italy

Batteries’ recycling: energising the EU green transition


FEAD would like to provide room for discussions on the sustainable recycling of batteries, in view of the new Regulation on Sustainable Batteries recently proposed by the European Commission in December 2020. Due to a substantial increase in the production and consumption of batteries, the goal is to illustrate how the waste management sector provides […]

Circular economy: Are we delivering?


Moving towards a circular economy and climate neutrality is a must. Yet, delivering on these objectives require more than simply ambitious targets but effective measures to transition towards a greener and more resilient industry. Recycling plays a key role by closing the loop and thus saving both valuable resources and substantial amount of greenhouse gas […]

Petcore Europe Conference 2021

Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace Rue Gineste 3, Brussels, Belgium

Post Covid-19 - Strategy and Trends for the Circular PET Economy

IE expo Chengdu

Western China International Expo City No. 88, East Section of Fuzhou Road, Tianfu New District, Chengdu, China

WasteTech 2021

Cropus Expo Mezhdunarodnaya 16, Krasnogorsk, Russian Federation

Demo Expo 2021

NAEC Stoneleigh Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Cars 2021

NAEC Stoneleigh Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

The Complete Auto Recycling Event is Europe’s leading and largest event for the end of life vehicle recycling and dismantling industry


Eurexpo Lyon Avenue Louis Blériot, Chassieu, France

World Resources Forum 2021

Accra & St. Gallen, 24 March 2021: In 2020, Ghana and Switzerland announced the first World Resources Forum to be held on African soil, which unfortunately had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today we are excited to communicate the re-launch of this initiative with an innovative format. For three days, participants from […]