
FEAD warns against any changes in the WFD beyond revision proposed by the Commission

| The European Parliament’s environment committee published at the end of September its draft report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending the Waste Framework Directive (WFD).

ENVI packaging report endangers circularity in Europe

| Yesterday, the EU Parliament's Environment Committee adopted a contradictory position that endangers packaging waste circularity and Europe’s recycling industry.

Environmental NGOs call for EU action on e-waste

| The number of electronics on the EU market increased by more than 85% between 2013-2021, new Eurostat data reveals.

EU legislative approach to chemical recycling will shape future of the pyrolysis oil sector

| Alongside access to sufficient high-quality waste, legislation is the most commonly cited potential barrier to growth in the chemical recycling sector, particularly given the ongoing uncertainty over the acceptance of chemical recycling under EU legislative targets, and the EU’s approach to mass balance.

FEAD: ENVI position on PPWR on the right track

| FEAD supports the adoption by the ENVI Committee of the position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation.

Plastics Europe raises significant concerns about ENVI vote on PPWR

| Today the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) voted on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).

Plastic recycling industry at crossroads: Uncertainty and shrinking demand shifts

| The European plastic recycling industry is facing pressing challenges as the demand for recycled polymers dwindles to its lowest point recently.

Low demand, high imports endanger European plastics recycling industry

| According to Plastics Recyclers Europe, the plastics recycling market in Europe has been heavily destabilised throughout 2023.

German CO2-tax will soon change European waste streams

| The national BEHG-taxation on CO2 emissions brings new costs to the German EfW-industry from early next year.

Car recycling and other essentials to drive circularity in automotive sector

| This year’s special edition of the European Recycling Conference cast a spotlight on the future of car recycling, considering the European Commission’s recently proposed End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Regulation, a game-changer for the automotive industry.
Martin Kummer; pixelio.de

Report calls for EU-Wide moratorium on waste incinerators

| The EU has a surplus in waste incineration capacities and a moratorium on new incinerators must be considered, urges a new report by the environmental network Zero Waste Europe.

RDF exporters call for level playing field

| The RDF Industry Group has called for the UK government to commit to putting fiscal measures in place to ensure that, under incoming emissions rules in the UK, RDF Exports are subject to equivalent carbon costs to those that will be paid by UK incinerator operators.

A roadmap for boosting waste recycling

| The European Recycling Industries’ Confederation has issued recommendations for an EU circular economy. In it, Euric suggests exploring chemical recycling when no better recycling alternative available.

Report: Paper-based food packaging at the centre of Europe’s waste crisis

| Some of the most regressive actors in the packaging value chain, such as single-use paper packaging producers and McDonald's, have been conducting a massive lobbying campaign to greenwash single user paper as a sustainable alternative to single-use plastics.

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