Tag: End-of-life vehicles
Metals from SLF with Sesotec sorting technology
| Aeiforos SA, for its End-of-Life vehicle (ELV) recycling process, is one of the first companies in Europe being able to prove compliance with the recycling rates according to the End-of-Life vehicles ordinance.In order to further improve the value added from shredder residue, the Greek recycling company uses a Sesotec Varisort M for the recovery of metals from the shredder light fraction (SLF).
How circular economy can improve end-of-life vehicle recycling
| The circular economy package adopted by the European Commission contains numerous measures aimed at promoting resource efficiency and recycling in the EU. Industry representatives are convinced that the recycling of end-of-life vehicles will also benefit from the package.
Automobile recyclers present new processes and solutions
| Europe’s automobile recycling industry is confident of being able to meet the new requirements of the EU End-of-Life Vehicle Directive. Although the recycling rate of 95 per cent in force since the beginning of the year is challenging, with the right processes and sufficient political will, it is achievable. This fact became increasingly clear in the course the annual International Automobile Recycling Congress IARC 2015, which was held in Berlin.